The diverse applications and functions of smart advertising machines in clinics

  Smart advertising machines have long been widely used in the healthcare field. Now let¨s turn our attention to smart advertising machines in clinics. Although clinics are not as busy as hospitals, there is still a lot of information to be conveyed. Smart advertising machines can help clinics provide better services to customers in many ways.As we all know, advertising screen The emergence of the market is worthy of many people’s attention, which has aroused the waves of the whole market.


  smart advertising machines


  Ways to Serve Customers


  1. Daily Health Tips


  Set up an easily visible screen in the waiting area or consultation room to display daily health tips, including nutrition, chronic disease management, etc. You can also share some interesting content so that customers can gain health knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere.


  2. Seasonal health alerts


  Provide corresponding health advice according to different seasons, such as allergy protection in spring, sun protection and moisturizing in summer, and disease prevention in winter.


  3. Product and service promotion


  Introduce the products and services provided by the clinic, including basic medicines, new products, etc. By making attractive slides, show the characteristics, efficacy and usage of the products.


  4. General Medication Information and Guidelines


  Inform customers of general medication guidelines, such as when to take medication, whether to take with food, and what to do if you forget to take medication or take an overdose. For new or prescribed medications, provide more detailed information, including instructions for use, potential side effects and interactions, etc.


  5. Scheduling Appointments


  If the clinic offers additional services, such as health checks, vaccinations, etc., list these services on the smart advertising machine so that customers can learn about them and make appointments.


  6. Prescription preparation notification


  Use the screen to notify customers of the prescription preparation status and reduce the waiting time of customers. At the same time, promote online booking services to facilitate customers to start consultations at home and reduce waiting time in the clinic.




  1. Evaluate customer needs


  Understand customer interests and needs, display relevant content in a targeted manner, and improve customer engagement and satisfaction.


  2. Be concise and clear


  The content should be concise and easy to understand, avoiding overly professional terms and complex sentence structures.


  3. Update in a timely manner


  Update the content of the smart advertising machine in a timely manner according to changes in seasons, products and services to keep the information fresh and accurate.


  4. Interactivity


  Add interactive elements, such as touch screens, QR codes, etc., so that customers can obtain more information independently.


  In short, the clinic smart advertising machine is an effective information dissemination tool that can help the clinic improve service quality and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By making reasonable use of smart advertising machines, clinics can provide customers with more personalized, convenient and considerate services.